Why You Should Hire a Pro to Design Your Website

Being a small business owner, you likely wear all the hats. If you look at your competitors and wonder “How do they do it all?” I am here to let you in on a secret…

They probably don’t.

Outsourcing to other providers can seem really scary, after all, you have created your business all on your own, and it’s YOUR baby. Why would you want someone else’s hands in it? The reality is, you cannot do it all on your own without stretching yourself thin. Take it from me, who tried to do that for 3 years straight and ended up burnt out and very over my business.

That burnout led me to chat with other business owners and I was surprised to find just how many people were outsourcing their business's “admin” to other professionals. It makes sense, you are good at what you do or create for your customers. That doesn’t mean you also have extensive knowledge in marketing, copywriting, the ins and outs of good web design, or how to curate a cohesive brand. And even more importantly, you probably don’t have the time required to become very proficient at all of those things.

If you’re here, you’re probably on the hunt for a good web designer or at least some assistance with your online presence. Hiring a professional web designer can alleviate the stressor of your online presence from your plate.

If you’re interested in how a professional design can improve your business, keep reading!

a silver macbook sits on the right side of a desk with papers scattered throughout. a pair of brown and black glasses sit to the left of the desk on top of a notebook.
  1. Web design isn’t just one thing.

    Web design is a combination of a lot of different skills. Not only do you need to learn a CMS and website builder platform, you also have to figure out web design guidelines, copywriting, and SEO. There are a lot of legal requirements - like meeting ADA guidelines - that you may not be aware of. Missing these things can be detrimental, considering you can get sued for not meeting ADA guidelines - it’s something best left to the pros.

  2. It takes a lot of time to get good at web design.

    I have been a designer for three years now, and even looking back at my designs from 6 months ago I cringe a little. Design is a skill and a talent. Having a creative eye is helpful, but it will not get you through the entire process on its own. I have taken numerous courses, did a boot camp for UX/UI design, and continue to expand my skills through online resources. It’s an everchanging realm and you have to be ready to stay up to date on technology changes and standards. As a small business owner who runs two websites, I wish I had sought help for my esthetics business early on. It would have saved me a lot of headaches.

  3. Your Canva Logo isn’t creating brand awareness.

    If your logo is available to every other user on Canva (which is a lot btw) it isn’t unique enough to create brand awareness. Your clients aren’t going to look at it and remember you when they go to book an appointment or make a purchase. If you also get to a point in your business where you want to create a trademark, you can’t trademark your logo if it’s an asset that anyone can use. Some typefaces will let you pay for additional licensing to trademark a logo using their font, but this isn’t something you can do with Canva since they own the assets they allow you to use. You would also likely lose your rights to it should you choose to discontinue your membership. All around, it’s just not the way to go if you want to grow and scale your business.

  4. Your logo alone isn’t a brand strategy.

    Your logo is a small portion of a comprehensive brand strategy. If you want to be consistent visually and be recognizable by your clients in any space you exist in, a cohesive branding strategy is necessary. How do you talk to your customers? What visual elements do you include? How do you use color and what message does it convey? These are just a few of the questions you’ll need to answer to develop a good brand strategy. Take a look at your favorite brand, you can recognize them on social media platforms and if you fall on their website - you’re gonna want that for your business too.

  5. Time is money, you can spend your time on the parts of your business that you actually want to do!

    If you are a service provider, you REALLY understand that phrase. If you aren’t working, you aren’t making money. And we know you have the skills to pay the bills, so why not let someone else handle the aspects of your business that are pulling you out of your studio, salon, or shop? Where it might take someone new to web design several weeks to set up a Squarespace site, find a template you sort of like, and create a simple logo. I can take care of that for you in just one day or 3 weeks depending on the type of website you need. That’s a lot of time saved and in turn, you get a rad website, handcrafted branding, and a clear strategy with only having to attend a couple of 30-minute meetings from your couch.


If you’ve read this far, hey! I’m Marci. I am the owner of Marmalade Studio. I ran a solo esthetics studio for three years and during that time I developed a passion for web design and helping other small business owners thrive in their online spaces. Your website can be a powerful tool to keep you booked and busy. I’d love to chat with you more about how our services could be of use to you! I dream of bringing your visions to life and creating a brand you can feel proud of!

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Entrepreneurship & Neurodivergence (Part 1 of…a few?)